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Taking the first step to talk to a psychologist may feel intimidating or overwhelming. Often, we need to find courage to reach out. With over 20 years of experience, I have seen how a commitment and willingness to show up and talk can truly improve your life.

If you are new to therapy or are looking for renewed hope, I can help.

A photo of Psychologist Dr. Jen Joseph who is offering therapy services in New York, New Jersey, and also provides online therapy options.

“You get in life what you have the courage to ask for”.

- Nancy D. Solomon


A photo of a woman enjoying a cup of coffee outside a coffee shop, her smile representing the relief individual therapy with Dr. Jen Joseph in New York has brought her.

Individual Therapy

While you may feel some apprehension to divulge the intimate details of your life to a stranger, this anonymity provides the foundation of a successful patient-therapist relationship.

Discover Individual Therapy
 An image of a woman at a picnic during her pregnancy, she joyously holds her belly resembling the relief that can be found in perinatal therapy with Dr. Jen Joseph

Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy is designed to help partners improve communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen their emotional connection.

Discover Couples Therapy
An image of a circle of adults meeting for a group therapy session with certified group therapist Dr. Jen Joseph in New York and New Jersey.

Group Therapy

Participating in a therapy group is probably unlike anything you have ever done before. While it may be anxiety provoking to consider, it is precisely for this reason that participation in a process group is so powerful and effective.

Discover Group Therapy
An image of a couple standing together facing an ocean symbolizing the deep work they have done to create a stronger relationship after therapy for relationship stress with Dr. Jen Joseph in New Jersey.

Therapy for Relationship Stress

Therapy can help you make the changes you need in order to have more rewarding relationships. Whether you participate in individual, couples and/or group therapy, you will learn what you can do to reach your goals.

Discover Relationship Therapy
 An image of a woman at a picnic during her pregnancy, she joyously holds her belly resembling the relief that can be found in perinatal therapy with Dr. Jen Joseph

Perinatal Therapy

Perinatal Therapy is for people experiencing fertility challenges, pregnancy related concerns, and/or postpartum mental health concerns.

Discover Perinatal Therapy
An image of a woman sitting at her work desk during an online session with Dr. Jen Joseph discussing the benefits of therapy for chronic pain

Therapy for Chronic Pain

We want to help you discover what your chronic pain is telling you
about unresolved life experiences and unexpressed feelings.

Discover Therapy for Chronic Pain
Dr. Jen Joseph provides couples therapy to those experiencing relationship stress in New York, New Jersey, and online.

I Also Offer Clinical Supervision and Consultation Groups

Our Clinical Supervision and Consultation Groups provide therapists with a supportive environment to discuss challenging cases, enhance clinical skills, and gain valuable insights through collaborative peer discussions. These sessions are designed to foster professional growth and ensure high-quality care for clients.

Discover Consultation & Supervision

Not Sure Where To Begin?

Contact Us For Your Free 15 min Consultation

It’s not too late to create the change you deserve!

Deciding to start therapy is a significant step, and it's okay to feel uncertain. Dr. Jen, a seasoned Psychologist with over 20 years of experience, is here to support you through this process. Therapy is an incredible tool to bring about meaningful improvements in your life.

To help you decide if therapy is the right choice for you, Dr. Jen is happy to have a free consultation. Take this opportunity to explore the possibilities and prioritize your well-being.

Contact Us For Your Free 15 min Consultation
Online therapist Dr. Jen Joseph is pictured participating in an online therapy session with clients in New York, New Jersey and any PSYPACT state.
Montclair Therapist Dr. Jen Joseph smiles at the camera from her therapy office, where she supports individuals and couples in therapy for chronic pain, perinatal therapy for postpartum depression, therapy for relationship stress, as well as impactful group therapy sessions.

Get in Touch

Ready To Get Started?

Feeling ready to initiate positive change in your life? Take the next step toward improved mental health. Dr. Jen offers various therapeutic approaches, including individual therapy, relationship counseling, group therapy, and specialized sessions for chronic pain or perinatal concerns.

Your journey begins with a free 15-minute consultation – an opportunity to explore how therapy can enhance your life.

Contact us now and let's begin this transformative process together.


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